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RDP News Images


“A picture is worth a thousand words…”

Not always, and not so precisely, but we find that as our life is reflected in news, images are an indelible, integral part of news, making news richer, quicker to absorb and easier for us to relate to.

Refinitiv Data Platform (RDP) provides access to the broad range of content, including rich, self-described RDP news and RDP news images.

Next, we are going to look at requesting images that are a part of RDP news. Currently, RDP Top News and RDP News Reports Online are the two types of news that are made available with images.

Requirements and Setup to Access RDP News

To interact with RDP platform we require valid RDP credentials and setup:

  1. Import required libraries and define RDP endpoint paths and constants.
  2. Load valid RDP credentials that are permissioned for RDP news access.
  3. Authenticate with RDP using credentials to obtain a valid token

These steps are included in the companion code examples hosted on GitHub (see References section) and are described in detail in many RDP articles, for example https://developers.refinitiv.com/en/article-catalog/article/exploring-news-metadata-refinitiv-data-platform-and-python, so that we can omit what would be a redundant detailed discussion of these steps here as well, and focus solely on requesting RDP images.

Request RDP Top News Images

Let us first look at requesting images that are made available with Top News

Request Top News Hierarchy

def getTopNews():
    news_category_URL = "/data/news"
    topnews_endpoint_URL = "/top-news"

    REQUEST_URL = base_URL + news_category_URL + RDP_version + topnews_endpoint_URL 

    accessToken = getToken();
    print("Requesting: ",REQUEST_URL)
    acceptValue = "application/json"
    dResp = requests.get(REQUEST_URL, headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + accessToken, "Accept": acceptValue});
    if dResp.status_code != 200:
        print("Unable to get data. Code %s, Message: %s" % (dResp.status_code, dResp.text));
        if dResp.status_code != 401:   # error other then token expired
        accessToken = getToken();     # token refresh on token expired
        print("Resource access successful")
        return dResp.text
txt = getTopNews()
jResp = json.loads(txt);
print(json.dumps(jResp, indent=2));

Resulting in output: TopNewsHierarchy.gif

Select Top News Package Id

From the hierarchy, we select the news package of interest to us, for example, Main -> World News:

myTopNewsId = jResp['data'][0].get('pages')[3].get('topNewsId')


Request Top News Item Per Package Id

def getTopNewsPerId(id):
    news_category_URL = "/data/news"
    topnews_endpoint_URL = "/top-news/"

    REQUEST_URL = base_URL + news_category_URL + RDP_version + topnews_endpoint_URL + id

    accessToken = getToken();
    print("Requesting: ",REQUEST_URL)
    acceptValue = "application/json"
    dResp = requests.get(REQUEST_URL, headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + accessToken, "Accept": acceptValue});
    if dResp.status_code != 200:
        print("Unable to get data. Code %s, Message: %s" % (dResp.status_code, dResp.text));
        if dResp.status_code != 401:   # error other then token expired
        accessToken = getToken();     # token refresh on token expired
        print("Resource access successful")
        return dResp.text
txt = getTopNewsPerId(myTopNewsId)
jResp2 = json.loads(txt);
print(json.dumps(jResp2, indent=2));

Resulting in: topNewsItem.gif Let us look closely at top news item’s “data”, and observe that it contains “image” that contains “id. So next we

Select News Image ID

In this example, we select first- [0]

myImageId = jResp2['data'][0].get('image').get('id')


And now we are ready to

Request Top News Image

We request with selected Image ID, store into a file as well as display

def getTopNewsImage(imageId):
    news_category_URL = "/data/news"
    image_endpoint_URL = "/images/"

    REQUEST_URL = base_URL + news_category_URL + RDP_version + image_endpoint_URL + imageId

    accessToken = getToken();
    print("Requesting: ",REQUEST_URL)
    acceptValue = "image/jpeg"
    dResp = requests.get(REQUEST_URL, headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + accessToken, "Accept": acceptValue});
    if dResp.status_code != 200:
        print("Unable to get data. Code %s, Message: %s" % (dResp.status_code, dResp.text));
        if dResp.status_code != 401:   # error other then token expired
        accessToken = getToken();     # token refresh on token expired
        print("Resource access successful")
        return dResp.content
imgContent = getTopNewsImage(myImageId)
file = open(myImageId+'.jpg', "wb")

from IPython.display import Image


Request RDP Online Reports Images

Next let us look how to request images that are part of online reports

Request Online Reports Hierarchy

def getOnlineReports():
    news_category_URL = "/data/news"
    reports_endpoint_URL = "/online-reports"

    REQUEST_URL = base_URL + news_category_URL + RDP_version + reports_endpoint_URL

    accessToken = getToken();
    print("Requesting: ",REQUEST_URL)
    acceptValue = "application/json"
    dResp = requests.get(REQUEST_URL, headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + accessToken, "Accept": acceptValue});
    if dResp.status_code != 200:
        print("Unable to get data. Code %s, Message: %s" % (dResp.status_code, dResp.text));
        if dResp.status_code != 401:   # error other then token expired
        accessToken = getToken();     # token refresh on token expired
        print("Resource access successful")
        return dResp.text
txt = getOnlineReports()
jResp = json.loads(txt);
print(json.dumps(jResp, indent=2));

Observe the hierarchy: onlineReportsHierarchy.gif

Select Report Id

report_id = jResp['data'][0].get('reports')[0].get('reportId')

Resulting in:


Request Online Report

#report_id = "/OLUSTOPNEWS"
def getReportsById(report_ir):
    news_category_URL = "/data/news"
    reports_endpoint_URL = "/online-reports"

    REQUEST_URL = base_URL + news_category_URL + RDP_version + reports_endpoint_URL +  "/" + report_id

    accessToken = getToken();
    print("Requesting: ",REQUEST_URL)
    acceptValue = "application/json"
    dResp = requests.get(REQUEST_URL, headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + accessToken, "Accept": acceptValue});
    if dResp.status_code != 200:
        print("Unable to get data. Code %s, Message: %s" % (dResp.status_code, dResp.text));
        if dResp.status_code != 401:   # error other then token expired
        accessToken = getToken();     # token refresh on token expired
        print("Resource access successful")
        return dResp.text
txt = getReportsById(report_id)
jResp = json.loads(txt);
print(json.dumps(jResp, indent=2));


Select Image Id

In this exmaple - first - [0]

myImageId = jResp['data'][0].get('newsItem').get('itemMeta').get('link')[0].get('remoteContent')[0].get('_residref')


Request Online Report Image

By passing image id, in this example - first [0]

myImageName = 'uniqueImageName'
def getImage(imageId):
    news_category_URL = "/data/news"
    image_endpoint_URL = "/images/"

    REQUEST_URL = base_URL + news_category_URL + RDP_version + image_endpoint_URL + imageId

    accessToken = getToken();
    print("Requesting: ",REQUEST_URL)
    acceptValue = "image/jpeg"
    dResp = requests.get(REQUEST_URL, headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + accessToken, "Accept": acceptValue});
    if dResp.status_code != 200:
        print("Unable to get data. Code %s, Message: %s" % (dResp.status_code, dResp.text));
        if dResp.status_code != 401:   # error other then token expired
        accessToken = getToken();     # token refresh on token expired
        print("Resource access successful")
        return dResp.content
imgContent = getImage(myImageId)
file = open(myImageName+'.jpg', "wb")

from IPython.display import Image

We store and display the image that was just requested and stored: onlineReportImage.gif
